The New SKSD Board Plan - Citizens Supporting South Kitsap School District

Citizens Supporting South Kitsap School District
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Home Page | Be Heard At Board Meeting (once a mo.) | Board Member Derisive Caricatures | SKSD Opinions & Stories 2023-2024 | Link to All SKSD Board Meetings | Bond Lessons Still Not Learned | Interesting Board Meeting Video Clips | Help To Obtain SKSD Public Records | Open Public Meetings Act | Find Board Resolutions & Policies | State Audit Of District Reveals Problems | Demography Shows Wants Are Not Needs | Look What's Headed Our Way! | A Mammoth Victory for Director Wilson | Make Public Education Great Again | Bond Ground Hog Day | The New SKSD Board Plan | What Is A Non-Voter Approved Bond | Legislative Process Information | Legislators Email Contact | PDC Rule Breakers | Falsehoods and Lies About School Bonds | SKSD Board's Back-Door For Bond Spending | School Board Candidate Choices | SKSD Pool Costs Exceeding $10,000,000 | Board Member's False Claims | Malfeasance A Matter Of Record Now | SKSD Board President's Misrepresentations | Real Class Act | Board/Facilities Video Links | SKSD Board Can't Follow Own Polices | Help With SKSD Administrative Disagreements | Director Wilson Demands Mr. Daily Resign | SKSD'S "Time Tunnel" Bond | BLRB Contractor Out Of Business | The District's Towering Budget Plans | A Top Ramen Budget Plan | We Can Do Better This November | How About A Stem High School | SKSD Board's Frequent OPMA Violations | Board's Continued Non-Compliance With OPMA | Interesting Public School Funding News | Is The Board Violating Our 1st Amdendment Right? | SKSD Contributed To Learnng Loss | Don't Forget The Cheeze-Whiz | Debunking Alternative Facts | High School Remodeling Costs | 2nd SKHS Remodeling Alterntatives | Proposed Facilities Changes | Washngton Policy Center Memos | Bullying Complaints Bill | Facility Planning Committee Fired | Our Kids Are Not District's Cash Cows | Washington Teacher & Family Incomes | Certified Employees Are Paid Less | Are School Supe rintendent Worth The Costs | Local Administrator Pay | Pay Raise Money Tree | What Does $160 Million Give You | ESSER Funds Complaint | The Union's Choke-Holds On SKSD | The Cowardly Incumbent Board Member | SKSD Has The Largest Sail Boat Of All School Districts | Diector Daily's SKSD Board Litigation | Director Daily's SKSD Board Litigation Slow Rolled | Contacting CSSKSD | General Site Map
 Citizens Supporting South Kitsap Schools is not affiliated with South  Kitsap School Supporters
CSSKSD not affiliated with SKSS in any way, shape, or form! (This is for you Gerry!)
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